 93 South Jackson Street, #24150, Seattle, WA 98104-2818

Independent Contractor Statement

There is NO required investment to begin working with Localdiscounts.com and/or its affiliates. All Associates are considered to be independent contractors and will receive a 1099 tax form. Associates are paid only after applications have been accepted and monies collected.

Due to periodic changes with varying state regulatory and other agencies, it is the requirement of each individual Associate to check for updates on Localdiscounts.com ‘News Updates’ and Independent Contractor Statement which are always posted in the Associate section. When updates are made there will normally be a notification on localdiscounts.com’s ‘News Updates’.

All Associates are considered to be already trained and professional in standing, can take full-advantage of their own experiences and use their own methods to market localdiscounts.com’s products/services as long as there is no misrepresentation. We abide by the guidelines of the FCC and FTC. All Associates have the full ability to represent any other products and services with any other company, and it does not demand any services to be performed personally by its Associates. Associates have the full freedom and flexibility to promote its services whenever they want and have the freedom to plan their own workdays. All Associates have the freedom to work where, when, and how they choose.

Localdiscounts.com’s scripts have been approved by its legal department and required state agencies, so they must be followed verbatim. Localdiscounts.com does not require Associates to work at any particular location. Associates can work where ever they choose and are NOT considered home-workers. Associates have the full freedom to use their own leads, location of work, and all necessary marketing materials other than required scripts.

Localdiscounts.co does NOT support spamming or any type of unsolicited bulk e-mailing. Associates who perform any of the above are liable directly, and localdiscounts.com will not assume any liabilities for these matters.

Localdiscounts.com does not assume any liability for Associates' methods of marketing. It is the individual responsibility of each Associate to follow all FCC, FTC, Internet, State, Federal, and International laws including the National Do Not Call Registry, which can be found at: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/donotcall/index.html. This also includes the receipt of company leads in which an Associate may only call up to 3 months (or the current governing laws) from the date of request by the consumer. Any time a consumer makes a request not to be called, emailed, or contacted it is the responsibility of the Associate to notify localdiscounts.com through the proper form submission provided on localdiscounts.com's website and the Associate cannot contact that consumer again. Localdiscounts.com will not pay any fines, legal fees, or any other expenses, which an Associate may incur by not following any of the above laws and policies.

An Associate’s primary duty (more than 50% of time spent promoting the company) will be to conduct business outside of Localdiscounts.com’s and its subsidiaries regular places of business (which may include an Associate’s own home, localdiscounts.com meeting sites, and/ or any location with Internet access). This shall include, but not be limited to, tasks such as distributing flyers, brochures, and bulletins, tear off sheets, and overseeing different marketing campaigns in an effort to facilitate sales of localdiscounts.com’s products/services. To qualify for this option, an Associate must spend more than 50% of his/her time conducting such work outside of the company’s regular places of business.

All Associates can control their own marketing and marketing names in their own communities and realizes that many of its Associates have ongoing current careers. Localdiscounts.com has many options available and only wants to extend options to Associates so they can accept or reject the various jobs according to their busy schedules.

Localdiscounts.com pays its Associates only after applications are fully completed and monies collected. For localdiscounts.com card holders who do cancel, all parties who received monies from that sale will be charged back, in full, if a refund is provided.

An Associate cannot be paid MAP monies or initial activation fees on his/her own activation due to the already discounted rate. Payroll monies must accumulate to $10.00 or higher for payment.

Payroll is distributed between the 2nd and the 5th of each month for all applications processed the previous month.

Due to varying state laws and regulations, network fee adjustments, and other varying expenses, localdiscounts.com reserves the right to change any of its marketing, rules, policies, pricing, and/or pay programs at any time without notice. Localdiscounts.com also reserves the right to have periodic price changes, marketing fees, and/or administrative fees for Localdiscounts.com card holders and/or Associates. These charges will normally be posted on localdiscounts.com’s and/or its affiliates' "News Updates" website and/or via e-mail approximately 30 days prior.

All Initial New Localdiscounts.com card holder activations are excluded from pay schedules, and only (1) activation is required to stay active in order to maintain an Access Code. (There is a $10.00 administrative and processing fee for insufficient funds or returned checks only for the PCI card holders who wrote the actual check.)

All services are protected by the following standard policy: "I hereby authorize my bank or credit card company to debit my account on the 23rd of each month (unless the 23rd falls on a weekend or holiday, in which event the debit can take place prior to the 23rd or after the 23rd when necessary) and pay localdiscounts.com and/or its affiliated companies (hereinafter called the "company" and/or localdiscounts.com) the current monthly amount each month beginning next month including periodic rate changes, marketing fees, and/or administrative fees for localdiscounts.com card holders and/or Associates. Understanding that there may be administrative conditions and that the 23rd may fall on weekends and/or holidays, I authorize localdiscounts.com to debit my account prior to the 23rd or after the 23rd when necessary. This authorization is to remain in force until the "company" has received written notification of the termination in such time and in such manner as to afford the "company" and/or the bank(s) a reasonable time to process a cancellation. Acceptance of services or 3 business days after purchase affirms the above procedures."

Localdiscounts.com has a very simple cancellation policy for its localdiscounts.com card holders: If for any reason any localdiscounts.com card holder wants to discontinue the services, the localdiscounts.com card holders may terminate services at any time by written notification to localdiscounts.com. Upon receipt of written notification (and service card(s)), services will discontinue on the next one to two billing statements, depending on the processing date of written notification. There is no refund for processing or other service fees. It is the mutual responsibility of the localdiscouints.com card holder and the company to keep the services in force. To guarantee uninterrupted service, the company continues the services unless notified by a localdiscounts.com card holder in writing or lack of payment. Annual services will automatically be converted to monthly services at renewal time and follow the same policies as with monthly services. Annual services may stay as annual services upon written request by localdiscounts.com card holders to Support@localdiscounts.com or the request may be mailed in.

Localdiscounts.com also has a very simple cancellation policy for active Associates who participate in localdiscounts.com’s Personalized Associate Websites and varying marketing programs. A localdiscounts.com Associate can provide cancellation via email to Support@localdiscounts.com .

Because localdiscounts.com’s interviewing process and/or services require the exchange of information which may not necessarily be available on localdiscounts.com’s website, it may be necessary for us to exchange information via e-mailing, telephone, and/or postal mail. Your information will never be released nor shared with any other company not related to localdiscounts.com llc.

Localdiscounts.com's leads are the property of localdiscounts.com. Due to its privacy policy, they cannot be used for any other purposes other than for promoting localdiscounts.com If they are used for any other purposes, the Associate can be disqualified from all of localdiscount.com’s lead programs and held financially liable. Localdiscounts.com also reserves the right to use its leads, accounts, and/or any databases as necessary.

Associates are NOT required to purchase leads from localdiscounts.com and can generate accounts in any legal manner they choose without misrepresentation. Associates must regularly qualify to receive complimentary leads. Historically, localdiscounts.com's networks have rarely had a lead shortage for its qualifying Associates; however, in the event there is a shortage localdiscounts.com will make leads available as quickly as they come in.

In the event localdiscounts.com terminates its contract with an Associate, the Associate will receive notice, and it is expected that an Associate terminating his/her contract with localdiscounts.com will also provide notice. Associates are not allowed to contact, take, or convert their accounts, which they have activated with localdiscounts.com to any other company or individual.

Associate Access Code Credit: localdiscounts.com’s policy stands firm on the fact that whichever Access Code is submitted on an application is the one which will receive the credit, regardless as to the length and amount of communications by others. There will never be any double commissions paid out. There will also be no reversals made unless all 3 parties are in full agreement and/or localdiscounts.com deems it to be necessary. In the event there is no Access Code or a non-active Access Code is submitted, it will be assumed that this particular activation was the result of a localdiscounts.com promotion and credit will go to the company, itself.